Abstract Submissions are Open.

When will abstract submissions for the 2025 MSOS Research Symposium close?

Abstract submissions for our 2025 MSOS Research Symposium will close on November 30, 2024.

Who can submit an abstract?

All current medical students can submit an abstract. In addition, anyone taking a research year with plans to apply for an orthopedic surgery residency program can submit an abstract.

What are the abstract research categories?

  • Basic Science

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA)

  • Education

  • Foot & Ankle

  • Hand & Wrist

  • Hip & Knee Reconstruction

  • Oncology

  • Pediatrics

  • Practice management

  • Shoulder & Elbow

  • Spine

  • Sports Medicine

  • Trauma

How should the abstract be structured?

The abstract should be made up of the following: title, authors, author affiliations, abstract text, and figures/tables (limit of 2 tables or figures). The abstract text should include the following headings: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. The word count limit is 300.

Can the abstract be presented or published elsewhere prior to submission?

Abstracts that have been accepted for publication may not be submitted to the 2024 MSOS Research Symposium. Abstracts that have been presented at other meetings within the past year can be submitted.

Can case reports be submitted as abstracts to the conference?

Yes, case reports will be reviewed.

Do you need to be first author on an abstract submission?

No, but please update all authors about your submission to this conference.

How many authors can be on each abstract?

There is a maximum of ten authors. For further questions about authorship, please review the guidelines as listed by the ICMJE.

Can I make changes to abstracts after they are submitted?

Once you have submitted your abstract no changes to the abstract can be made.

If my abstract is not accepted, can I still attend the virtual conference?

Yes, all medical students are invited to attend the conference.

How are the award-winning presentations selected?

The awards will be selected by our abstract reviewers. A certificate will be presented to the top-rated abstract in each category. The award-winning abstracts will be given an opportunity to present for five minutes to the entire conference group.

What awards will be given to award-winning presentations?

Stay tuned to hear more about the awards for the 2024 symposium!

Is there a fee for abstract submission or symposium attendance?

No fees are associated with abstract submission or symposium attendance.

Is there a maximum number of abstracts one person can submit?

No! You can submit as many abstracts as you’d like.